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Plague Diary: A Year of Lockdown

It’s now been a year since the first-ever UK lockdown was declared. It was a result of policy failure that this route was chosen. So this is a good time to reflect on the strange moment we’re still living through. The Johnson government wanted to let the virus spread throughout the country to achieve herd…

The Arab Spring is Still Unfolding

Ten years ago today Mohamed Bouazizi burned himself to death in a public square in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. It would become known as the catalyst behind the Arab Spring that swept away regimes across North Africa and West Asia. Yet the truth is that the so-called Arab Spring began in the last colony in Africa:…

How the 2010 student protests still shape British politics

Two lads, shirtless and drunk, climbed up the black metal gates of the Treasury and yelled to the crowd below them: “Revolution!” The crowd cheered. “That really sums it up,” I said to my friend. This was December 9 2010. It was a cold, damp night and we were stuck in Parliament Square. The police…

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